Shake It Up

What does it take to be a good bartender?

At Fresco, we are bartending for a fairly large restaurant and need to do our own prep and bar backing. Preparation is the foundation for success at the bar. A good bartender will think ahead to the needs of the bar and prepare everything beforehand so they don’t fall behind in having to run for ingredients in the middle of a busy rush. With a strong foundation in place you need to be able to multitask and keep a long visual memory of all the needs of the moment. There are times when we have people arriving at the bar, tickets coming in from the machine, waiters and managers verbalizing orders to us, while also having to take orders and set people up for food. It can be a lot all at once so prioritizing these needs and calmly pacing through that mental list is important. Lastly but most importantly, I would say be a friendly, good person. People don’t mind waiting if you acknowledge them and treat them with kindness and respect. The reason people come back is because of how you treat them.

Do you have a favorite drink you created?

It’s funny, but I’m actually really proud of my lychee mock-tail. I think it’s incredibly simple to make yet tastes delicious.

Shake or muddle? What are people asking for?

There’s something oddly satisfying about shaking mint leaves and limes and muddling them all together when I’m making a mojito. I suppose I just like the aesthetic of the finished cocktail… haha. But at Fresco, it’s most definitely a “shake it” crowd. People love their martinis.


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