Chloe’s Is For Your Family

What inspired you to get into the business?

The idea for Chloe’s was inspired by my real life need to fill a void in the market.  I always grappled with feeding my intense sweet tooth while at the same time accommodating my commitment to a healthy lifestyle. As an avid fro-yo consumer, when I became pregnant and started thinking about feeding my family, I became increasingly committed to eliminating artificial ingredients from my diet. I wanted to create something truly delicious that would satisfy my cravings while also being something I could feel great about feeding my family. With Chloe’s we created a better-for-you frozen treat that everyone could enjoy, and we continue to keep that mission at the forefront of everything we do. 


How do you juggle being a mom and a businesswoman?

Not always very well! 😊 Some days I feel like I crushed it and other days feel less successful. I think with experience and age you realize there will always be something you feel like you could be doing more of or doing better at. I am getting better at saying no to things which helps me find balance. Chloe’s is directly inspired and influenced by my family + kids so, luckily for me, both family and business are intricately intertwined. You are always going to feel like you’re not doing enough in some aspect of your life, but I also think that’s what makes you successful.


What was it like for a woman to break into your business?

For me, this endeavor was about breaking into a world that was completely unfamiliar to me.  As a former Assistant District Attorney, everything about starting this business was new and the learning curve was steep. We created Chloe’s to solve a need for me and my family so, in many ways, I, as a woman and mother, am the core consumer - which made relationship building with partners, investors, and of course, consumers more seamless. With much support from our mentors and partners, we have been able to disrupt, challenge and elevate the frozen treat aisle.


I know you are going to share a recipe with us but why do your pops taste better?

Quality and simplicity. Our pops taste amazing because they are free from artificial ingredients.  We rely on minimal, high-quality ingredients to execute a satisfying eating experience.  We prioritize taste and continuously hear the consumer’s disbelief that the pops are also “better-for-you!”


With summer on the brain, we love a good pop-tail! Poolside, beach side, picnics, and BBQs you should always have a Chloe’s Poptail in hand. The prep is simple just like our pops and we’re loving this margarita one.


Chloe’s Margarita   


2 oz Tequila 

1 oz Triple Sec 

1.5 oz Lime Juice

1 Chloe’s Lime or Strawberry pop 

Just rim your glass with chili pepper salt, add ice, tequila, triple sec and lime juice. Stick the lime (or strawberry) pop in, pop down, stick up and enjoy. Cheers!


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