by Dr. Daryl Gioffre
I’ve heard from so many people this year that winter (and the pandemic) has wreaked havoc on their bodies and their overall health and mental state. We have come out of hibernation, and most of us have been STRESS eating for the last seven months. In fact, a new study found that people gained as much as two pounds a month during quarantine and with warm weather months here, they’re looking to make a big change. And if the weight gain wasn’t bad enough, another study revealed that 40% of Americans can’t even recognize themselves anymore when they look in the mirror, not just because of the weight, but more so from cumulative toll from stress, both mentally and physically.
But a major mistake too many make when trying to get off the stress eating roller coaster, is jumping in cold-turkey and assuming the best solution is deprivation and to simply stop eating. You can’t NOT eat and it’s the very reason people yo-yo. They go from stress eating to not eating, and back to stress eating again. It’s a vicious cycle and that’s why most people fail.
This Spring, we’re going to put an end to that, because I’m going to teach you how to STRENGTH eat and ADD -- not take away-- the foods that will boost your energy levels, ramp up weight loss, and get you on a sustainable path to healthy living again!
First, Find Your Why
Spend 5 minutes writing in a journal why you want to lose weight. 20% of living a healthier lifestyle is having the right strategy, but 80% comes from your psychology, or your purpose behind WHY you want to make a change. More than just looking better, discover what weight loss will give you back in your life. It must be compelling and clear so that when cravings and obstacles pop up, you'll remember why you're doing this in the first place. That will help you stay on track not just in the short term, but for the long term as well.
Then, Give Your Kitchen And Pantry A Detox
If you don’t have it, you can’t eat it! Look at things like store bought sauces, dressings and condiments--these all have hidden sugars. There are healthier solutions out there, and you can always make versions yourself that are healthy, delicious, and highly nutritious.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Solution by dilution. Water is a great starting place, because many times when we crave sugar or want to stress eat, we are not hungry, but dehydrated. Thirst and hunger goes to the same part of the brain, so drinking a glass of water can sometimes be enough to crush the craving monster. Water is neutral, so to make it better, add a slice of lemon. To make it ACID-KICKING, add a scoop of our Alkamind Acid-Kicking Minerals, the most powerful neutralizer of acid, and a great way to increase hydration levels in the body.
Begin Your Day Out With A Green Juice
Drinking your greens is at the core of a strength eating diet. Years ago when I was addicted to sugar, I started out by adding just two things – 2 green juices a day, and bounced on a rebounder (mini-trampoline) for 10 minutes. Within 21 days, my lifelong addiction to sugar and stress eating was gone, and in just under 4 months, I lost 42 pounds and became a fat-burning machine. It’s what motivated me to create our Alkamind Acid-Kicking Greens. Adding just 1 scoop to a glass of water upon rising is the easiest way to get 5 servings of organic greens, and turn your body into an energy-filled, acid-kicking machine.
Keep Healthy Staples On Hand
You’ve heard it before - fail to prepare, prepare to fail. To set yourself up to make healthy food choices, it’s a good idea to keep plenty of healthy ingredients like avocados, cucumbers, red bell peppers, celery, coconut milk, chia seeds and hummus in your home that you can use to make easy meals and are both delicious and nutritious. This preparation sets you up for success by making it easier to fuel and nourish your body in a healthy and balanced way. These foods are highly alkalizing to the body and at the core of a strength eating diet. Incorporate these into your daily lifestyle to strengthen your energy, strengthen your body, strengthen your immune system and resilience, and strengthen your mental focus.
Find The Balance
My latest book Get Off Your Sugar is all about kicking your sugar habit without giving up the foods you love. I want you to enjoy your life! If you want a glass of wine, have a glass of wine! Work towards a goal of an 80/20 balance: Make 80% of your diet high-alkaline, strength-eating foods and leave 20% for the rest. You can also make those indulgences the best version of themselves. So for example, if you love chocolate, make it 100% dark chocolate or raw cacao instead of milk chocolate. When the ratio is tilted towards foods that strengthen your body, you will have enough of the good to neutralize and outweigh any of the bad that should come its way - including stress.
It doesn’t take major overhauls to make change. It’s actually just the opposite. Taking small steps you can build on will lead you to a healthy, acid-kicking lifestyle. To help you get there, we’re offering 20% of all Alkamind Acid-Kicking products for newsletter subscribers now through May 31st, 2021. Use discount coupon code GETOFFYOURACID at checkout on our website,
ABOUT Dr. Daryl Gioffre
Celebrity Nutritionist, Founder of Alkamind
Dr. Gioffre is a highly sought-after longevity expert who uses a cutting-edge approach to nutrition to help his patients fight inflammation and achieve and maintain an optimal level of health and energy. A former sugar addict turned health machine, he knows firsthand what it takes to overcome adversity and challenges in the pursuit of superior health.
In addition to running the successful Alkamind brand, he is the founder of the Gioffre Wellness Center, a board-certified chiropractor in the state of New York, and the author of the best-selling book Get Off Your Acid: 7 Steps in 7 Days to Lose Weight, Fight Inflammation, and Reclaim Your Health and Energy, and Get Off Your Sugar: Burn the Fat, Crush Your Cravings, and Go From Stress Eating to Strength Eating.