Clean Beauty with Dr. Doris Day

The Scotto Sisters quiz Dr. Day on today's best skin tips and care techniques.

We love a little sun..what is the best spf? How high do we have to go?

I love the sun too and, as a dermatologist, I would never tell anyone to miss out on enjoying outdoor activities. I would only ask that you be sun smart while you're out and about, so you can enjoy your time in the sun without damaging your skin.

  •  Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the US and melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer

  •  Melanoma is the leading cause of cancer death in women aged 25-30 and the second leading cause of cancer death in women 30-35

  •  In ages 15-29 melanoma is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer

  •  Nearly 90% of melanomas are thought to be caused by exposure to UV rays, a.k.a. sun and tanning beds

  •  Indoor tanning beds are proven to cause cancer and are classified by the WHO as the highest risk cancer causes

  •  Exposure to tanning beds before the age of 30 increases the risk of developing melanoma by 75%

Here’s what you can do:

  • Be sun smart:

    • wear a hat with a broad rim

    • wear sun protective clothing

    • wear sunglasses

    • apply spf 30 or higher and reapply every 2 hours or more often as needed

    • apply sunscreen every day, all year round

    • try to avoid midday sun and seek shade when possible

    • consider carrying a sunbrella when shade is not available

    • look at your skin regularly and see a board-certified dermatologist for a full body skin exam every year or right away if you see anything new or changing

July 15th is National Clean Beauty Day…what does that mean?

It generally means ingredients that are not toxic for the skin or environment and also packaging that is biodegradable. More and more products are working to reach these goals. I take issue with some of the ingredients that get called out, like preservatives like parabens, as well as some sunscreen ingredients, among others. It is often based on very shady science, confuses the consumer and sometimes leads to ingredients that have less testing and safety.

What should we look for in buying our beauty products?

It's always a good idea to see your dermatologist for an evaluation and skin health check up. We can guide you as to the best ingredients for your skin to help it stay healthy and age beautifully. Ingredients that I like in general include:

  • Hyaluronic acid

  • Ceramides

  • Retinol and retinoids (vitamin A derivatives)- I recommend these all year round

  • Peptides and other growth factors

  • Niacinamide (in the Vitamin B family, I like this as an oral supplement as well)

  • Sunscreen

  • Vitamin C

Is there any ingredient we should stay away from? 

- It's totally obvious but stay away from ingredients you're allergic to. If you're not sure, try dabbing a little on the inside of your forearm. It's not a very sensitive area so a reaction there is more likely to be a true allergic reaction to the product rather than an irritant reaction. You won't know exactly which ingredient in the product is the issue, but you'll know to not use that product and over time you may see a pattern that helps you identify the product. Or, you could see your dermatologist for patch testing.

Otherwise, ingredients used in skin care go through extensive testing for toxicity and other issues.

I would caution against home made products and DIY ingredients like lemon and lime since they are photosensitizers and can lead to serious sunburns (called phytophoto reactions) if you leave them on the skin for more than 5-10 minutes, even if the sun exposure is hours later. I see this a lot in the summer when people squeeze lemons or limes on bbq or drinks and don't wash their hands right after. they get a characteristic rash on the thumb web, sometimes also along the forearm as well.

We are obsessed with your name! Are you related to the actress Doris Day?

My parents were immigrants with a sense of humor (clearly)! They loved Doris Day so they named me Doris after her. Several years later, my dad was taking his medical board exam and had to write his name on the exam sheet. It was too long to fit in the space so it spread out over middle and last name as "Backshan   DAY" 

He passed and was given the license with the last name DAY. He liked it so much, and loved being Doris Day's father so he legally changed our family name and I became Doris Day

Dr. Day is on Castle Connollys Hall of Fame for being on their NY Mag and New York Times top doctors list for over 15 years.


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